
Solutions Manual of Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems by Groover | 4th edition


Download Solutions Manual of Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems 4th Edition by Mikell P. Groover in PDF format. This book is under the category Science and Engineering and bearing the ISBN13/ISBN10 9780470467008 . You may refer to the table below for additional details of the book.

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Book Details

Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing is a balanced and qualitative examination of the materials, methods, and procedures of both traditional and recently-developed manufacturing principles and practices. This comprehensive textbook explores a broad range of essential points of learning, from long-established manufacturing processes and materials to contemporary electronics manufacturing technologies. An emphasis on the use of mathematical models and equations in manufacturing science presents readers with quantitative coverage of key topics, while plentiful tables, graphs, illustrations, and practice problems strengthen student comprehension and retention.

Now in its seventh edition, this leading textbook provides junior or senior-level engineering students in manufacturing courses with an inclusive and up-to-date treatment of the basic building blocks of modern manufacturing science. Coverage of core subject areas helps students understand the physical and mechanical properties of numerous manufacturing materials, the fundamentals of common manufacturing processes, the economic and quality control issues surrounding various processes, and recently developed and emerging manufacturing technologies. Thorough investigation of topics such as metal-casting and welding, material shaping processes, machining and cutting technology, and manufacturing systems and support helps students gain solid foundational knowledge of modern manufacturing.

About the Author

Mikell P. Groover is Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at Lehigh University, where he also serves as Director of the Manufacturing Technology Laboratory. He holds the following degrees all from Lehigh: B.A. in Arts and Science, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in Pennsylvania. His industrial experience includes full-time employment at Eastman Kodak Company as a Manufacturing Engineer. Since joining Lehigh, he has done consulting, research, and project work for a number of industrial companies including Ingersoll-Rand, Air Products & Chemicals, Bethlehem Steel, and Hershey Foods.

Solutions Manual of Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems by Groover | 4th edition ISBN 9780470467008

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Book Details

Solutions Manual of Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems by Groover

AuthorsMikell P. Groover
ISBN(Text Book's)9780470467008
File FormatPDF
CategoryScience and Engineering
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