
Solutions Manual of Mathematics for Economics and Business an Interactive Introduction by Soper | 2nd edition


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Book Details

This text offers the ideal approach for economics and business students seeking to understand the mathematics relevant to them. Each chapter demonstrates basic mathematical techniques, while also explaining the economic analysis and business context where each is used. By following the worked examples and tackling the practice problems, students will discover how to use and apply each of these techniques. Now in its second edition, the text features expanded summaries of economic analysis, new sections on matrix algebra and linear programming, and additional demonstrations of economics applications.

  • Demonstrates mathematical techniques while explaining their economic and business applications
  • Engages the reader with numerous worked examples and practice problems
  • Features new sections on matrix algebra and linear programming
  • Includes a companion website with the book, containing the award winning MathEcon software, Excel files, Powerpoint slides, all definitions and ‘remember boxes', and additional practice questions.
  • Now in its seond edition, this text offers and ideal introduction for economics and business students seeking to understand the mathematics relevant to them. Each chapter demonstrates basic mathematical techniques, while also explaining the economic analysis and business context where each technique is regularly used. By following examples and practice problems, students will learn how to use and apply each of these methods.

    This updated edition features expanded summaries of economic analysis, new sections on matrix algebra and linear programming, and additional demonstrations of economics applications. Along with these new features, the book continues to separate mathematical methods and economics applications into discrete sections, allowing the student to learn the mathematics needed, or to proceed immediately to the economics examples.

    About the Author

    Jean Soper is Lecturer in Economics at the University of Leicester and is involved in the Executive Committee responsible for the continuing development of WinEcon.

    Solutions Manual of Mathematics for Economics and Business an Interactive Introduction by Soper | 2nd edition ISBN 9781405111270

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    Book Details

    Solutions Manual of Mathematics for Economics and Business an Interactive Introduction by Soper

    AuthorsJean Soper
    ISBN(Text Book's)9781405111270
    File FormatPDF
    CategoryBusiness & Money
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