
Solutions Manual of Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Blennow | 1st edition


Download Solutions Manual of Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering 1st Edition by Mattias Blennow in PDF format. This book is under the category Science and Engineering and bearing the ISBN13/ISBN10 9781138056886 . You may refer to the table below for additional details of the book.

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Book Details

Suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, this new textbook contains an introduction to the mathematical concepts used in physics and engineering. The entire book is unique in that it draws upon applications from physics, rather than mathematical examples, to ensure students are fully equipped with the tools they need. This approach prepares the reader for advanced topics, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity, while offering examples, problems, and insights into classical physics. The book is also distinctive in the coverage it devotes to modelling, and to oft-neglected topics such as Green's functions.
Most math textbooks focus on math itself (e.g. proving a theorem strictly) and do not connect math with physics, making them not very useful for physicists, chemists, or engineers. Books that emphasize the “application” aspect of math will be of great value to these readers but are unfortunately rare to find, especially in the form of textbook instead of general reference/manual. This book does a nice job towards filling the gap. I envision that students who major in physics and engineering, especially those who are interested in gaining good understanding of the theoretical aspects of physics, will like this book.

– Prof. Dr Hai Lin, University of Colorado Denver

About the Author

Mattias Blennow is an associate professor in the Department of Theoretical physics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. His field of research is directed towards weakly interacting particle physics, specializing in theoretical neutrino and dark matter physics with 51 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals. He has taught courses at all university levels, including mathematical methods in physics, quantum mechanics, special and general relativity, and quantum field theory.

Solutions Manual of Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Blennow | 1st edition ISBN 9781138056886

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Book Details

Solutions Manual of Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering by Blennow

AuthorsMattias Blennow
ISBN(Text Book's)9781138056886
File FormatPDF
CategoryScience and Engineering
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