
Solutions Manual of Elementary Diff Eqns and Boundary-value Problems by Boyce & DiPrima | 8th edition


Download Solutions Manual of Elementary Diff Eqns and Boundary-value Problems 8th Edition by W. Boyce; R. DiPrima in PDF format. This book is under the category Mathematics and bearing the ISBN13/ISBN10 9780471992905 . You may refer to the table below for additional details of the book.

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Book Details

The 8th edition of Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, like its predecessors, is written from the viewpoint of the applied mathematician, whose interest in differential equations may sometimes be quite theoretical, sometimes intensely practical, and often somewhere in between. The authors have sought to combine a sound and accurate exposition of the elementary theory of differential equations with considerable material on methods of solution, analysis, and approximation that have proved useful in a wide variety of applications. While the general structure of the book remains unchanged, some notable changes have been made to improve the clarity and readability of basic material about differential equations and their applications. In addition to expanded explanations, the 10th edition includes new problems, updated figures and examples to help motivate students. The book is written primarily for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year of study.

About the Author

William E. Boyce, Professor Emeritus at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and author of several textbooks, including Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (11e), and many monographs and journal articles, died on November 4, 2019.

He received his B.A. degree in Mathematics from Rhodes College, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from Carnegie-Mellon University. In 1993, he became the Edward P. Hamilton Distinguished Professor of Science Education at Rensselaer and at retirement was awarded the title Edward P. Hamilton Professor Emeritus. Boyce was chairman of the Department of Mathematics Graduate Committee and coordinator of Master of Science program in Applied Mathematics and very involved in course and curriculum development all through his career.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in memory of William Edward Boyce to Unity House of Troy, Inc. 2431 6th Ave., Troy, NY, 12180.

Solutions Manual of Elementary Diff Eqns and Boundary-value Problems by Boyce & DiPrima | 8th edition ISBN 9780471992905

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Book Details

Solutions Manual of Elementary Diff Eqns and Boundary-value Problems by Boyce & DiPrima

AuthorsW. Boyce; R. DiPrima
ISBN(Text Book's)9780471992905
File FormatPDF